Sunday 11 November 2007

"Fuck politics. We're here. All the rest is bullshit..."

The big assignment for the first semester of Film Tech 2 this year is to create a three-minute short film with some sort of political slant to it. A few other basic guidelines were drawn, but the assignment basically boils down to this concept, so ideally, we're looking to create something with a distinct narrative theme related to politics, as well as a visual style that is well-composed and also conveys the ideas we're trying to get across.

According to, politics is defined as follows: pol·i·tics [pol-i-tiks] – noun (used with a singular or plural verb)
1. the science or art of political government.
2. the practice or profession of conducting political affairs.

This definition would lead you to believe that all politics have to involve organized bodies of government (such as the Houses of Parliament or U.S. Senate), and while these organizations certainly first come to mind when thinking of politics, the word can mean so much more than that. For example, politics can also be described as a
"process by which groups of people make decisions". Following this definition, the word 'politics' can essentially be used to describe anything that is decided by groups of people - everything, in other words. It covers many topics, ranging from the government to film studios, from the military to record labels. Anything is a possible topic.

So we as a group needed to ask ourselves: what is important to us in the world? What are we concerned about? What political situations are we so passionate about that we would commit our thoughts and ideas on them to three minutes of film?

This is a tough question. Especially for a group of five differently-minded student individuals.

Our initial thoughts turned to such hot-button topics as the current "War On Terror" being fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, or the issue of illegal immigrants making their way into this country.

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